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Robust Superdirective Beamforming Under Uncertainty Set Constraint
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 59, 59-69, 2015
Based on gain optimization methods, superdirective beamformers can achieve high beam directivity with small aperture array. However, the extreme sensitivity to array uncertainty is a main obstacle to engineering application. In this work, a robust gain optimization algorithm under uncertainty set constraint is proposed. Considering steering vector mismatch is the result of combined effect of various array errors, and it is a measurable indicator especially in receiving system. We apply its uncertainty as a constraint on gain optimization method, which is more intuitive in physical sense. Different from existing solutions, it makes a better tradeoff among directive gain, robustness and radiation efficiency. Experimental analysis verifies its good performance in engineering.
Huajun Zhang, Huotao Gao, Lin Zhou, Huanhuan Shang, and Huaqiao Zhao, "Robust Superdirective Beamforming Under Uncertainty Set Constraint," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 59, 59-69, 2015.

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