Vol. 55
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A Compact UWB Printed Antenna with Bandwidth Enhancement for in-Body Microwave Imaging Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 55, 149-157, 2014
In this paper, we propose novel omnidirectional UWB printed monopole antenna for in-body microwave imaging applications. The proposed antenna consists of a square radiating patch, a microstrip feed line and a ground plane with pair of rotated T-shaped slots and another T-shaped slot that placed in between of two slots. The designed antenna provides a wide usable fractional bandwidth of more than 136.5% (2.96-15.8 GHz). This antenna has the advantages of wide bandwidth, compact size, low cost, good omnidirectional radiation patterns, and acceptable time domain behavior for using in In-Body microwave applications. The maximum measured gain for the fabricated antenna is around 6.1 dBi with an average efficiency above 89% throughout the bandwidth.
Aref Abdollahvand, Abbas Pirhadi, Homauon Ebrahimian, and Mousa Abdollahvand, "A Compact UWB Printed Antenna with Bandwidth Enhancement for in-Body Microwave Imaging Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 55, 149-157, 2014.

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