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Polarization Reversal of Oblique Electromagnetic Wave in Collisional Beam-Hydrogen Plasma
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 127, 49-59, 2022
Energetic ion or electron beams cause plasma instabilities. Depending on plasma and the beam parameters, an ion beam leads to change in the dispersion relation of Alfven waves on interacting with magnetoplasmas as it can efficiently transfer its energy to the plasma. We have derived dispersion relation and the growth rates for oblique shear Alfven wave in hydrogen plasma. The particles of the beam interact with the Shear Alfven waves only when they counter-propagate each other and destabilize left-hand polarized mode for parallel waves and left-hand as well as right-hand polarized modes for oblique waves, via fast cyclotron interaction. The collisions between beam ions and plasma components affect the growth rate and the frequency of generated Alfven waves, differently for right-hand (RH) and left-hand (LH) polarized oblique Alfven modes. For (ω + kzvbo > ωbc), the most unstable mode is the LH polarized oblique Alfven mode, and it is the RH polarized oblique Alfven mode for (ω + kzvbo < ωbc), which shows a polarization reversal after resonance condition. Numerical results indicate that the growth rates increase with increase in angle of propagation. The maximum growth rate values in the presence or absence of beam increase due to obliquity of wave.
Rajesh Gupta, Ruby Gupta, and Suresh C. Sharma, "Polarization Reversal of Oblique Electromagnetic Wave in Collisional Beam-Hydrogen Plasma," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 127, 49-59, 2022.

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