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Mutual Coupling Reduction Between Slotted-T MIMO Elements for UWB Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 107, 203-217, 2021
In the present scenario, multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) elements provide the capacity to generate more than one radiation pattern with different polarizations, which show a prodigious role in the modern telecommunication sector. A new two-element MIMO antenna with minimization in mutual coupling is presented in this paper. The proposed design reduces mutual coupling between antenna elements. The strip-line mechanism is used as a feed and is simulated using HFSS v 15. MIMO element design is done with four T-shaped slots in all directions of the patch, further enhancing the cross-correlation. MIMO antenna consists of two radiators on a 50 x 25 mm2 FR-4 substrate. A T-shape ground stub, along with a slot, reduces mutual coupling (MC) and Impedance Bandwidth (IBW) of the proposed design. The design provides multi-band characteristics in the entire UWB range with practical applications like WiMAX (3.5 GHz), WLAN (5.9 GHz), X-band SATCOM applications (7.9 GHz) and Radar, Mobile phones, and commercial WLAN (9.3 GHz). The spacing between elements is in the order of 0.215λ0. MC reduction of 20 dB is achieved at every resonant frequency.
Kudumu Vara Prasad, and Makkapati Venkata Prasad, "Mutual Coupling Reduction Between Slotted-T MIMO Elements for UWB Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 107, 203-217, 2021.

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