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A Reconfigurable All-Textile Wearable UWB Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 103, 31-43, 2020
In this work a reconfigurable Ultra Wide Band (UWB) antenna for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is presented. The antenna is completely composed of fabric materials and is able to switch its topology from a monopole-like structure (for on-body communications) to a microstrip-like structure (for off-body communications) maintaining UWB characteristic stable both on body and in free-space. This antenna presents good radiation properties in both configurations. In order to describe its time domain and frequency domain behavior a System Fidelity Factor (SFF) analysis has been done for both topologies.
Antonio Di Natale, and Emidio Di Giampaolo, "A Reconfigurable All-Textile Wearable UWB Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 103, 31-43, 2020.

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