Vol. 95
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A Miniature Rectangular Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure for WLAN Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 95, 131-140, 2019
The purpose of this work is to miniaturize a rectangular patch antenna which resonates at 2.4 GHz. To achieve this, we present a new geometry of a pi-shaped slot with three annular rings as a Defected Ground Structure (DGS). DGS is a periodic etched structure or a periodic sequence of configurations, and it has been used to switch the resonance frequency from starting value 13 GHz to an ending value at 2.4 GHz without any changes in the areas of the actual rectangular microstrip patch antenna (RMPA). The proposed antenna is structured on an FR-4 substrate with thickness 1.6 mm and permittivity 4.4. The general size of the ground plane is 34 × 34 mm2. Using the optimal position and dimension of the pi-shaped slot on the ground, the resonant frequency is reduced to 2.4 GHz, which signifies an 81.53% decrease. Proposed antennas with and without DGS are simulated by using High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) and Advanced Digital System (ADS) Agilent technology, fabricated, and measured for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) application.
Kakani Suvarna, Nallagarla Ramamurthy, and Dupakuntla Vishnu Vardhan, "A Miniature Rectangular Patch Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure for WLAN Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 95, 131-140, 2019.

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