Vol. 78
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A Proposed Protocol to Enhance the Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the Reduction of Power Consumption
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 78, 225-239, 2017
This paper represents the analysis and study of selecting the highest power node in the wireless sensor networks as a cluster head. The study assumes that the sensors are fixed and uniformly distributed, and the position of the sink and the dimensions of the sensor are known. The paper introduced a proposed protocol to prolong the time interval before the death of the first node (stability period), which is critical for many applications. The aim of this paper is also to improve the performance of the network by increasing the overall throughput of the network. The proposed protocol selects the cluster head depending on the power level of the node which is the most important factor of the behavior of the nodes. The simulation is made by MATLAB, and the results are compared with two other protocols, LEACH and SEP. It is found that the selection of the highest power node as a cluster head increases the stability region and throughput of the network compared to other protocols.
Walid Saber El-Deeb, Mahmoud Ibrahim, and Mahmoud I. Abdullah, "A Proposed Protocol to Enhance the Performance of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on the Reduction of Power Consumption," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 78, 225-239, 2017.

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