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A Miniaturized Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface with High Selectivity Base on Slot Coupling
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 76, 99-108, 2017
A Ku-band bandpass frequency selective surface (FSS) with high selectivity and miniaturization is proposed in this paper. We use two metallic strips and one slot to design the frequency selective surface structure which contains both electrical and magnetic couplings. A metallic via is introduced in the FSS element for miniaturization. With the via inserted at the end of the metallic strip, the FSS unit size is reduced to half compared to that without via inserted. To investigate the operating principle of the slot-coupled FSS, an equivalent-circuit model is given and analysed using the odd- and even-mode method. The constructed out-of-phase signal path causes two transmission zeros (TZs) near the skirts of the narrow pass band, thereby enhancing the selectivity. A prototype of the proposed FSS operating at 16GHz is fabricated and measured. The measured results agree well with the full-wave and circuit simulation results, thus verifying the FSS design.
Shiling Yang, Qiang Chen, Jiajun Bai, and Yunqi Fu, "A Miniaturized Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface with High Selectivity Base on Slot Coupling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 76, 99-108, 2017.

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