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Design of CPW-Fed High Rejection Triple Band-Notch UWB Antenna on Silicon Substrate with Diverse Wireless Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 74, 19-30, 2017
In this paper, a CPW-fed circular patch UWB-extended bandwidth antenna is proposed which is fabricated and characterized on silicon. The proposed antenna covers fractional bandwidth of 132.08% with high rejection triple band-notch characteristics [WiMAX(3.30 GHz-3.80 GHz)/WLAN(IEEE802.11a/h/j/n 5.15 GHz-5.35 GHz, 5.25 GHz-5.35 GHz, 5.47 GHz-5.725 GHz, 5.725 GHz-5.825 GHz)/X-band downlink satellite communication system (7.25 GHz-7.75 GHz)]. Gain and efficiency of the proposed antenna in the entire bandwidth vary between 3.96 dBi-10.98 dBi and 84%-95%, respectively. Also, group delay in the entire operating band is ≤ 1.0 ns. Furthermore, the proposed antenna exhibits good dipole like radiation pattern in E-plane and omnidirectional pattern in H-plane with small dimension of 20×20×0.5 mm3.
Manish Sharma, Yogendra Kumar Awasthi, and Himanshu Singh, "Design of CPW-Fed High Rejection Triple Band-Notch UWB Antenna on Silicon Substrate with Diverse Wireless Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 74, 19-30, 2017.

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