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A Coupled-Line Based L-Section DC-Isolated Dual-Band Real to Real Impedance Transformer and Its Application to a Dual-Band T-Junction Power Divider
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 55, 95-104, 2014
This paper presents a dual-band impedance transformer for real source and load impedances that is capable of providing matching at two arbitrary frequencies. There are two possible configurations of the proposed technique, and both the configurations are simple and possess flexibility to cater to wide range of impedance environments. A very useful feature of the design is its inherent ability to provide DC isolation. A prototype, which works at 1 GHz and 2 GHz, fabricated using Roger's RO4350B laminate validates the proposed design with a good match between theoretical and experimental results. In addition, a dual-band T-junction power divider is reported to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed impedance transformer.
Mohammad A. Maktoomi, and Mohammad S. Hashmi, "A Coupled-Line Based L-Section DC-Isolated Dual-Band Real to Real Impedance Transformer and Its Application to a Dual-Band T-Junction Power Divider," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 55, 95-104, 2014.

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