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Millimeter-Wave Offset Fresnel Zone Plate Lenses Characterization
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 125-131, 2014
Fresnel Zone Plate Lenses (FZPLs) are transparent-opaque lenses that filter the desirable phase. The centred Fresnel lenses have a strong back radiation towards the feed. In order to solve this drawback, offset feeding or offset pointing lenses are used. In this work, both offset FZPLs are studied using an optical physics method and experimentally characterized in the millimeter band. Two prototypes have been manufactured and measured, presenting a narrow beamwidth. The characteristics of pointing of this beam are studied depending on the feed gain. This work shows the pointing characteristics of the lenses, simply moving the lens in a plane.
German Leon Fernandez, Luis F. Herran, Max O. Munoz, Fernando Las-Heras, and Yang Hao, "Millimeter-Wave Offset Fresnel Zone Plate Lenses Characterization," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 125-131, 2014.

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