Vol. 37
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A Novel Dual-Band Multi-Way Power Divider Using Coupled Lines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 37, 41-51, 2013
In this paper, coupled lines are used in the design of a dual band planar multi-way Bagley polygon power divider to reduce the size is proposed. For the input port matching and transmission characters are affected by the even mode impedance only, analysis of the multi-way Bagley polygon power divider and equivalent circuit based on coupled lines, closed form design equations are presented with even mode impedance, and odd mode impedance is obtained arbitrarily. To validate the design procedure, two dual band three-way Bagley polygon power dividers are designed, simulated, and fabricated using coupled lines with areas of 3.17 cm2 and 2.53 cm2, and the corresponding conventional divider with areas of 17.86 cm2 and 11.74 cm2, respectively. When coupled lines are used, the layout is more compact with a reduction in size of more than nearly 80% compared to the conventional design.
Lulu Bei, Shen Zhang, and Kai Huang, "A Novel Dual-Band Multi-Way Power Divider Using Coupled Lines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 37, 41-51, 2013.

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