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A DSP Based Study of Pattern Nulling and Pattern Shaping Using Transform Domain Window Technique.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 2, 31-45, 2008
This article aims to provide a novel and efficient technique for pattern shaping and null steering in the environment of unwanted interferences. This paper presents a DSP based method, where at first DFT coefficients are obtained from spatial domain sampling and then operating by suitable window function gives new set of DFT coefficients. IFFT(IDFT) over these coefficients provide complex weights which adaptively introduces null in the direction interference while keeping the main beam toward desired signal.
Quazi Alfred, Kousik Bishayee, Tapas Chakravarty, and Salil Sanyal, "A DSP Based Study of Pattern Nulling and Pattern Shaping Using Transform Domain Window Technique.," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 2, 31-45, 2008.

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