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Coplanar Fed Quad-Band Parasitic Patch Antenna for Ultra-Wide Band Wireless Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 134, 143-155, 2023
In this article the design of an ultra-wideband coplanar monopole antenna with a microstrip parasitic patch having a dimension of 50 mm x 50 mm using a 1 mm thick RT-Duroid substrate (εr = 2.2) is explored for wireless applications. Five different coplanar antenna designs are presented, and one of the designs is proposed for fabrication. In simulation the proposed antenna has four resonant bands, 2.043-2.133 GHz, 5.821-7.89 GHz, 10.3-12.027 GHz, and 12.783-17.802 GHz, with a cumulative bandwidth of 8.905 GHz within 1-18 GHz. The proposed antenna is fabricated, tested and validated using Vector Network Analyzer. Fabricated antenna resonates at four different bands, 2.349-2.888 GHz, 5.767-7.926 GHz, 9.725-10.534 GHz and 13.862-16.021 GHz with resonant peaks at 2.529 GHz, 7.116 GHz, 10.084 GHz and 15.391 GHz frequencies respectively. Further the antenna has a cumulative Bandwidth of 5.666 GHz in 1-18 GHz band. Radiation efficiency is above 90% at the resonant band. The acquired results from simulation and measurement are in close match.
Anil Kumar Bhat, Ashish Singh, Ramya Shetty, and Satheesh Rao, "Coplanar Fed Quad-Band Parasitic Patch Antenna for Ultra-Wide Band Wireless Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 134, 143-155, 2023.

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