Vol. 132
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Differential Negative Group Delay Circuit Topology with Reverse Nested Double U-Shaped Defected Ground Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 132, 65-77, 2023
A simple and flexible differential negative group delay (NGD) circuit topology based on defected ground structure (DGS) is proposed. The circuit consists of microstrip lines and reverse nested double U-shaped (RNDU) DGSs, in which differential transmission and common-mode suppression (CMS) are realized by microstrip lines, and the adjustment of NGD time and the center frequency is achieved by changing the RNDU DGSs. Besides, the bandwidth and NGD time can be increased by cascading double couples of RNDU DGSs. For demonstration, two circuit prototypes with single- and double-couple DGSs are fabricated and measured. The measured results show that the NGD time of the single-couple DGS circuit at the center frequency of 2.279 GHz is -0.57 ns; the insertion loss is 2.08 dB; and the NGD bandwidth is 28 MHz. The NGD time of the double-couple DGS circuit at 2.30 GHz is -2.13 ns; the NGD bandwidth is 41 MHz; and the insertion loss is 4.39 dB. The functions of increasing bandwidth and enhancing NGD are realized. The common-mode insertion loss can reach 43.2 dB, and excellent CMS characteristics are achieved.
Zicheng Wang, Zhongbao Wang, Hongmei Liu, and Shao-Jun Fang, "Differential Negative Group Delay Circuit Topology with Reverse Nested Double U-Shaped Defected Ground Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 132, 65-77, 2023.

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