Vol. 110
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Antenna Using a Magnetic-Slab Located in the Principal Magnetic-Field Region Beneath the Patch
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 110, 229-241, 2021
This paper presents an analysis of microstrip patch antennas with different dielectric/magnetic substrate profiles in an attempt to obtain operating frequency reduction. Initially, different ridge shapes in the substrate were examined. An in-depth investigation of the ridge shape and its dimensions on the antenna performance has been carried out. Subsequently an antenna with a magnetic-slab loaded in the prime magnetic-field region beneath the patch is proposed. The new magnetic loaded antenna design is aimed to reduce the resonant frequency of a conventional patch and reduce the profile of an earlier design with a substrate ridge. Various magnetic materials have been embedded within the original dielectric substrate of the patch antenna. Measured results validated the hypothesis that this frequency can be reduced by placing magnetic materials at the centre of the patch. The achieved gain is expected to be further enhanced by using forthcoming magnetic materials with improved performance.
Ignacio J. Garcia Zuazola, Ashwani Sharma, Misha Filip, and William G. Whittow, "Antenna Using a Magnetic-Slab Located in the Principal Magnetic-Field Region Beneath the Patch," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 110, 229-241, 2021.

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