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A Novel Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter Using Miniaturized Stepped Impedance Metamaterial Unit Cell
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 108, 49-61, 2021
Novel substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filters are presented by using a complementary split-ring resonator. The proposed stepped impedance octagonal octagonal complementary split-ring resonator (SI-OCSRR) presents high miniaturization compared to the classical octagonal complementary split-ring resonator (O-CSRR). Additionally, two different filter configurations consisting of two cascaded cells with different coupling between the CSRR are proposed. A comparison between the proposed filters and the other ones reported in the literature has proven the advantages of the proposed filters, namely compact size, high in-band return loss, and ease of integration. A good agreement between the simulated and measured results has been reached, which verifies the validity of the design methodology.
Zied Troudi, Jan Machac, and Lotfi Osman, "A Novel Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter Using Miniaturized Stepped Impedance Metamaterial Unit Cell," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 108, 49-61, 2021.

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