Vol. 96
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Substrate Integrated Waveguide Circular Antenna for Terahertz Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 96, 229-242, 2019
This paper presents a multi-band annular ring antenna that is obtained from a single-layer probe-fed substrate integrated waveguide based on a graphene material, with three top plan slits. In order to create a multi-bands antenna, we conduct simulation of the antenna structure based on CST/HFSS, so we use parametric tuning to adjust TM modes. Simulations show a good results between the two methods (finite element method and integral method) CST and HFSS Simulators. The bandwidths for three modes are 340 GHz in first mode, 346 GHz in the second mode, and 104 GHz in the third mode. The simulation gains at TM11, TM02, and TM12 are 8.2 dB, 8 dB, and 11 dB, respectively. The proposed antenna can be used in therahertz applications.
Radhoine Aloui, Zied Houaneb, and Hassen Zairi, "Substrate Integrated Waveguide Circular Antenna for Terahertz Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 96, 229-242, 2019.

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