Vol. 77
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A Novel Frequency Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna with Switchable Characteristics Between Band-Notched UWB and WLAN Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 77, 145-153, 2017
This paper presents a novel frequency reconfigurable monopole antenna that has switchable notch characteristic at center frequency of 5.3 GHz. The proposed antenna consists of a defective ground structure (DGS) to enhance the impedance bandwidth from 3.17 to 13 GHz. The F-shaped parasitic element with three stubs (two vertical and one horizontal) are located on the back side of the radiating patch to achieve the band rejection characteristics from 4.9 GHz to 5.7 GHz. The metallic ground plane structure is connected or disconnected to the F-shape parasitic element through stubs by means of p-i-n diodes. Experimental demonstration of applications of the proposed antenna structure as 5.3 GHz notched band ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with all diodes in the OFF-state and as 5.3 GHz radiator for wireless local area network (WLAN) with all diodes in the ON-state is reported. In both the cases, good agreements between measured and simulated return losses, radiation patterns and realized gains are observed.
Dinesh Yadav, Mahesh Pandurang Abegaonkar, Shiban K. Koul, Vivekanand N. Tiwari, and Deepak Bhatnagar, "A Novel Frequency Reconfigurable Monopole Antenna with Switchable Characteristics Between Band-Notched UWB and WLAN Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 77, 145-153, 2017.

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