Vol. 56
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Design of a 225 GHz High Output Power Tripler Based on Unbalanced Structure
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 56, 101-108, 2015
We report the results of a high-output power unbalanced tripler at 225 GHz, in which a pair of discrete Schottky varactor chips in parallel is adopted. Considering the present situation of domestic processing technology, the advantage of unbalanced structure is that it could provide bias to the diodes without a on-chip capacitor, which is essential in the balanced tripler scheme. The whole circuits are built on a 50 um-thick quartz substrate, and the novel field-circuit method is applied to the design process that enables us to calculate the impact of the parastics. The measured results indicate that the output power is more than 7 dBm in 215~228 GHz, and the output power is 12.3 dBm at 224 GHz when driven with 23.8 dBm of input power at room temperature. In general, this tripler has important practical value.
Jin Meng, De Hai Zhang, Chang Fei Yao, Chang Hong Jiang, and Xin Zhao, "Design of a 225 GHz High Output Power Tripler Based on Unbalanced Structure," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 56, 101-108, 2015.

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