Vol. 39
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Aperture-Coupled Frequency-Reconfigurable Stacked Patch Microstrip Antenna (Frspma) Integrated with PIN Diode Switch
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 39, 237-254, 2013
In this paper, a new Frequency-Reconfigurable Stacked Patch Microstrip Antenna (FRSPMA) with a new coupling method applied in an aperture-coupled technique controlled by the switching circuit is presented. This antenna uses a combination of aperture-coupled technique and stacked patch in order for the radiating elements to increase the bandwidth. Two shapes (Ishape and H-shape) and sizes of aperture slots are etched onto the ground with a purpose to couple the energy between feedline and stacked patch. One PIN diode switch is integrated in the feed network to control the length of the feedline. A variation of the feedline length controls the selected aperture slots to be active. The waves from the selected activated aperture slots will radiate to particular radiating patch (top or bottom patch) and achieve the frequency reconfigurability. When the switch is in ON mode, the antenna has a capability to configure its operating frequency at 2.6 GHz and at 3.5 GHz during the OFF mode. Besides that, the air gap is used to improve and avoid any coupling problem between the aperture slots and both of the two patches. Improper alignment between the aperture slots and patches will interfere waves radiating from aperture slots to the particular patch. In addition, the proposed antenna produces a high gain of more than 5 dB during ON or OFF modes respectively. The simulated results are compared with measured results.
Nurulazlina Ramli, Mohd Tarmizi Ali, Azita Laily Yusof, Suzilawati Muhamud-Kayat, and Hafiza Alias, "Aperture-Coupled Frequency-Reconfigurable Stacked Patch Microstrip Antenna (Frspma) Integrated with PIN Diode Switch," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 39, 237-254, 2013.

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