Vol. 37
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A Magneto-Inductive Link Budget for Wireless Power Transfer and Inductive Communication Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 37, 15-28, 2013
This paper presents a propagation model and inductive link budget based on link equations for chains of inductive loops as the basis for determining the link budget of an inductive communication and wireless power transfer systems. The link between the transmitter and receiver is modeled in similar format as in radio frequency systems. The transmitter antenna gain, path loss model and receiver antenna gain are also modeled for the inductive case. This allows the magnetic path loss to be estimated accurately. Also the induced receiver current due to a transmitter voltage can be computed apriori enabling efficient design of inductive links and transceivers.
Johnson Ihyeh Agbinya, "A Magneto-Inductive Link Budget for Wireless Power Transfer and Inductive Communication Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 37, 15-28, 2013.

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