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Orthogonal Circular Polarization Detection Patch Array Antenna Using Double-Balanced RF Multiplier
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 30, 65-80, 2012
In this paper, a technical concept and design of circular polarization detection patch array antenna using a double-balanced RF multiplier is proposed. The microwave integration technology is effectively employed to realize the proposed array antenna. The double-balanced RF multiplier is integrated with an orthogonal planar array antenna. The array antenna which consists of 12 patch elements and the RF multiplier is realized by embedding four zero bias Schottky barrier diodes on a slot-ring. The Both-sided MIC technology is successfully employed to realize the array antenna. The array antenna is realized in a very simple and compact structure as all the antenna elements, feeding circuit and the RF multiplier are integrated on both sides of a dielectric substrate. The ability of the proposed array antenna to detect the orthogonal circular polarization (LHCP and RHCP) is successfully confirmed by the experimental investigation.
Md. Azad Hossain, Yu Ushijima, Eisuke Nishiyama, Ichihiko Toyoda, and Masayoshi Aikawa, "Orthogonal Circular Polarization Detection Patch Array Antenna Using Double-Balanced RF Multiplier," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 30, 65-80, 2012.

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