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Performance and Complexity Improvement of Training Based Channel Estimation in MIMO Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 10, 1-13, 2009
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems play a vital role in fourth generation wireless systems to provide advanced data rate. In this paper, a better performance and reduced complexity channel estimation method is proposed for MIMO systems based on matrix factorization. This technique is applied on training based least squares (LS) channel estimation for performance improvement. Experimentation results indicate that the proposed method not only alleviates the performance of MIMO channel estimation but also significantly reduces the complexity caused by matrix inversion. The performance evaluations are validated through computer simulations using MATLAB® 7.0 in terms of bit error rate (BER). Simulation results show that the BER performance and complexity of the proposed method clearly outperforms the conventional LS channel estimation method.
Mostafa Wasiuddin Numan, Mohammad Tariqul Islam, and Norbahiah Misran, "Performance and Complexity Improvement of Training Based Channel Estimation in MIMO Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 10, 1-13, 2009.

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