Vol. 6
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L-Band Amplification and Multi-Wavelength Lasing with Bismuth-Based Erbium Doped Fiber
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 1-12, 2009
Bismuth-based EDF (Bi-EDF) is comprehensively studied as an alternative medium for optical amplification. The bismuth glass host provides the opportunity to be doped heavily with erbium ions to allow a compact optical amplifier design. The gain spectrum of the Bi-EDF amplifier has a measured amplification bandwidth of 80 nm with a quantum conversion efficiency of 20% obtained using 1480 nm pumping and 215 cm long of doped fiber. A multi-wavelength laser comb is also demonstrated using a four-wave mixing effect in a backward pumped Bi-EDF. The laser generates more than 10 lines of optical comb with a line spacing of approximately 0.41 nm at 1615.5 nm region using 146 mW of 1480 nm pump power.
Sulaiman Wadi Harun, Nizam Tamchek, Sharife Shahi, and Harith Ahmad, "L-Band Amplification and Multi-Wavelength Lasing with Bismuth-Based Erbium Doped Fiber," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 6, 1-12, 2009.

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