Vol. 61
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A New Hybrid MoM -GEC Asymptotic Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Computation in Waveguides
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 61, 197-210, 2014
This paper presents a new hybridization between MoM-GEC and some asymptotic methods. In fact, a new hybrid current test function based on Physical Optic (PO) and a modal method is developed. The approach consists in approximating the total current on an invariant metallic pattern on two parts. The inside of metal is governed by PO method; however, the edges are modeled by infinite cylinders and described by Hankel functions (modal method). The considered single test function is required then by MoM method to replace a lot of sinusoidal or triangular test functions, in order to get a rapid convergence and less computational time. For validation purposes, the new developed hybrid approach is applied to compute scattering in different structures. The obtained input impedances, currents and fields distributions are in agreement with those obtained by MoM method. Considerable gain in computational time and memory resources is achieved.
Mohamed Hajji, Samir Mendil, and Taoufik Aguili, "A New Hybrid MoM -GEC Asymptotic Method for Electromagnetic Scattering Computation in Waveguides," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 61, 197-210, 2014.

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