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An Efficient Method for the Computation of Mixed Potential Green's Functions in Cylindrically Stratified Media
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 125, 37-53, 2012
Closed-form mixed potential Green's functions (MPGFs) for cylindrically stratified media are derived in terms of quasistatic-wave and surface-wave contributions. In order to avoid possible overflow/underflow problems in the numerical calculations of special cylindrical functions such as Bessel and Hankel functions, a novel form of the spectral-domain MPGFs is developed. Then, a two-level methodology is used for the approximation of the spectral-domain MPGFs. In the first step, the qusistatic components are extracted from the spectral-domain MPGFs, and then transformed into the space domain with the use of the Sommerfeld identity and its derivatives. In the second step, the remaining parts of the spectral-domain MPGFs are approximated in terms of pole-residue expressions via the rational function fitting method (RFFM). The proposed method is efficient and fully automatic, which avoids an analytical cumbersome extraction of the surface wave poles (SWPs), prior to the spectrum fitting. In addition, this method can evaluate the spatial-domain MPGFs accurately and efficiently for both the near- and far-fields. Finally, numerical results for the spatial-domain MPGFs of a two-layer structure are presented and discussed.
Liang Feng Ye, Ke Xiao, Lei Qiu, Shun-Lian Chai, and Jun-Jie Mao, "An Efficient Method for the Computation of Mixed Potential Green's Functions in Cylindrically Stratified Media," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 125, 37-53, 2012.

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