Vol. 100
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General Electromagnetic Simulation of Radar Signals Backscattered from Metallic Wind Turbines
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 100, 91-107, 2023
The backscattering of electromagnetic waves incident on a rotating metallic wind turbine (WT) is analyzed by using the Physical Optics method. The model developed is general and allows the computation of the spectral Doppler shift of the backscattered waves. All the parameters involved are taken into account, relative to incident wave direction, wind horizontal direction, WT geometric and electromagnetic properties. Numerical computations are carried out for various cases and presented relative to a search radar.
Victoria Sgardoni, and Nikolaos Uzunoglu, "General Electromagnetic Simulation of Radar Signals Backscattered from Metallic Wind Turbines," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 100, 91-107, 2023.

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