Vol. 102
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Marchenko Inversion of GPR Data for a 1D Dissipative Medium
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 102, 65-79, 2021
Radar data collected on two sides of a horizontally dissipative layered medium are required to invert for the medium parameters. The two-sided reflection and transmission responses are reduced to two single-sided reflection responses. One is the measured dissipative medium response, and the other is the reflection response of the corresponding effectual medium, which has negative dissipation. Marchenko-type equations are solved using these two reflection responses. The obtained focusing functions in the dissipative and effectual media are used to invert for the permittivity and the permeability under the assumption of weak dissipation in reflection. Once these parameters are known, the travel times are used to estimate the layer thicknesses. Finally, the focusing functions are used to estimate the conductivity in each layer. The method does not require any model information and runs as a fully automated process. A numerical example shows that the method works well for a horizontally dissipative layered medium. Statistical analysis for several noise models shows that the method is robust at least up to 40 dB additive and multiplicative white noise.
Bingkun Yang, and Evert C. Slob, "Marchenko Inversion of GPR Data for a 1D Dissipative Medium," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 102, 65-79, 2021.

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