Vol. 60
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A Recursive Approach to Improve the Image Quality in Well-Logging Environments
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 60, 287-300, 2014
A three-stage recursive approach is proposed to improve the recovered distribution of electric parameters in a well-logging environment. The first stage is executed using the conventional linear sampling method (LSM) and the contrast source inversion (CSI) method. In the second stage, the background distribution is updated to better identify the target shape, using the recovered results in the first stage. In the third stage, the background distribution is made closer to the results in stage two, which improves the recovered distribution near the target boundary. The effect of noise is also simulated.
Yu-Hsin Kuo, and Jean-Fu Kiang, "A Recursive Approach to Improve the Image Quality in Well-Logging Environments," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 60, 287-300, 2014.

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