Vol. 45
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Analytical Model for Electromagnetic Radiation by Bare-Wire Structures
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 45, 395-413, 2012
This paper presents a simple analytical model to estimate the radiated field for broadband Power line communication (PLC) or metallic wire structures. In our approach, we avoid to discretize the line and compute the current for each segment (dipole). We consider only near and far end currents and their derivatives (voltages) to express analytically the radiated electromagnetic field. The case of multiple conductor power line is considered with simplified hypothesis: cables are not insulated and the surrounding media is homogenous. The basic electromagnetic equations are formulated and applied to the line to provide analytical expressions able to compute fields in near and far zones which is not usually treated. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an analytical model applied to bare wires corresponding to classical outdoor transmission lines. The advantage of this method is that we do not need to know the current along the line to calculate the radiated fields; therefore, in our study we use only the currents and voltages at the terminations. The calculation time is strongly reduced compared to dipoles conventional method. Results obtained from the proposed closed-form formulation agree with Feko simulation. For indoor configurations, cables are usually insulated and the surrounding media is no more homogeneous; this case is treated with a generalized approach and will be proposed in future paper.
Mohamed Chaaban, Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi, and Dragan Poljak, "Analytical Model for Electromagnetic Radiation by Bare-Wire Structures," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 45, 395-413, 2012.

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