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Nonlinear Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation at the Cell Membrane Level: Response to Stochastic Fields
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 33, 45-67, 2011
A general rigorous analytic framework for computing the transmembrane potential shift resulting from the nonlinear voltage-current membrane relationship in response to wideband stochastic electromagnetic radiation is outlined, based on Volterra functional series. The special case of an insulated cylindrical cell with Hodgkin-Huxley membrane in an infinite homogeneous medium is worked out in detail, for the simplest case where the applied electric is normal to the cell axis, and independent from the axial coordinate. Representative computational results for a zero-average stationary band-limited white Gaussian incident field are illustrated and briefly discussed.
Assunta De Vita, Rocco Paolo Croce, Innocenzo Pinto, and Bisceglia Bruno, "Nonlinear Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation at the Cell Membrane Level: Response to Stochastic Fields," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 33, 45-67, 2011.

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