Vol. 19
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Degree of Roughness of Rough Layers: Extensions of the Rayleigh Roughness Criterion and Some Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 19, 41-63, 2010
In the domain of electromagnetic wave propagation in the presence of rough surfaces, the Rayleigh roughness criterion is a widely-used means to estimate the degree of roughness of considered surface. In this paper, this Rayleigh roughness criterion is extended to the case of rough layers. Thus, it provides an interesting qualitative tool for estimating the degree of electromagnetic roughness of rough layers.
Nicolas Pinel, Christophe Bourlier, and Joseph Saillard, "Degree of Roughness of Rough Layers: Extensions of the Rayleigh Roughness Criterion and Some Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 19, 41-63, 2010.

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