Vol. 7
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Periodicity Defect Influence on the Electromagnetic Properties of a Sequence with BI-Isotropic Layers
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, 299-307, 2008
A series of N identical periods of pairs of isotropic and biisotropic layers with defect in j-th basic element is investigated. The universal method that simultaneously allows to taking into account different types of defects in the structure is proposed. The problem is solved using the circuit theory and the transfer matrix methods. The analysis of the dynamic of electromagnetic properties of the investigated structure was carried out for different types of defects.
Vladimir Tuz, and Vadim Kazanskiy, "Periodicity Defect Influence on the Electromagnetic Properties of a Sequence with BI-Isotropic Layers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 7, 299-307, 2008.

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