Vol. 80
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Enhancement of Directivity Using 2D-Electromagnetic Crystals Near the Band-Gap Edge: a Full-Wave Approach
, Vol. 80, 179-196, 2008
A deep analysis of the directivity enhancement, due to the insertion of a simple linear antenna into a dielectric EBG, is presented. The operative frequency is chosen near a band-gap edge. The planewave expansion method is used in order to obtain the Bloch dispersion diagrams of infinite two-dimensional EBGs. A rigorous cylindricalwave approach is used to analyze two-dimensional EBGs with finite size, excited by a line source. We apply these tools to the analysis of different emitting devices, and propose solutions to improve their performances.
Lara Pajewski, Lorenzo Rinaldi, and Giuseppe Schettini, "Enhancement of Directivity Using 2D-Electromagnetic Crystals Near the Band-Gap Edge: a Full-Wave Approach," , Vol. 80, 179-196, 2008.

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