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Neural Models for Coplanar Strip Line Synthesis
, Vol. 69, 127-144, 2007
Simple and accurate models based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) are presented to accurately determine the physical dimensions of coplanar strip lines (CPSs). Five learning algorithms, Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), bayesian regularization (BR), quasi- Newton (QN), conjugate gradient with Fletcher (CGF), and scaled conjugate gradient (SCG), are used to train the neural models. The neural results are compared with the results of the quasi-static analysis and the synthesis formulas available in the literature. The accuracy of the neural model trained by LM algorithm is found to be better than 0.24% for 10614 CPS samples.
Celal Yildiz, Kerim Guney, Mustafa Turkmen, and Sabri Kaya, "Neural Models for Coplanar Strip Line Synthesis," , Vol. 69, 127-144, 2007.

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