Vol. 51
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Spectral Domain Analysis of Gyrotropic Anisotropy Chiral Effect on the Input Impedance of a Printed Dipole Antenna
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 51, 1-8, 2016
A theoretical analysis of a printed dipole antenna on a gyrotropic-anisotropy chiral dielectric substrate is presented. The study is based on numerical techniques for the characterization of electromagnetic propagation in chiral media. The general complex wave equation and the dispersion relation for such a medium are derived in the spectral domain. The spectral Green's function of a grounded dielectric chiral slab is developed, and the spectral domain moment method impedance matrix elements are calculated. The effect of the chiral gyrotropy element on the input impedance of a dipole antenna printed on a grounded chiral substrate is analyzed using the Galerkin-based Method of Moments.
Djamel Sayad, Fatiha Benabdelaziz, Chemseddine Zebiri, Samiha Daoudi, and Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, "Spectral Domain Analysis of Gyrotropic Anisotropy Chiral Effect on the Input Impedance of a Printed Dipole Antenna," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 51, 1-8, 2016.

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