Vol. 135
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Study on an S-Band Rectenna Array for Wireless Microwave Power Transmission
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 135, 747-758, 2013
The microwave power transmission is an approach for wireless power transmission. As an important component of a microwave wireless power transmission systems, microwave rectennais widely studied. A rectenna based on a microstrip dipole antennas and a microwave rectifier with high conversion efficiencywere designed at 2.45 GHz.The dipole antenna achieved a gain of 5.2 dBi, a return loss greater than 10 dB, and a bandwidth of 20%. The microwave to DC (MW-DC) conversion efficiency of the rectifier was measured as 83% with 20 dBm input power and 600 Ω load. There are 72 rectennasto form an array with an area of 50 cm by 50 cm. The measured results show that the arrangement of the rectenna connection is an effective way to improvethe total conversion efficiency,when the microwave power distributionis not uniform on rectenna array. The experimental results show that the highest microwave power transmission efficiency reaches 67.6%.
Wen Huang, Biao Zhang, Xing Chen, Ka-Ma Huang, and Changjun Liu, "Study on an S-Band Rectenna Array for Wireless Microwave Power Transmission," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 135, 747-758, 2013.

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