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Vol. 135
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Effect of Threshold Value on the Performance of Natural Frequency-Based Radar Target Recognition
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 135, 527-562, 2013
In this paper, the performance analysis of the natural frequency-based radar target recognition in the time domain is considered. We investigate the dependence of the probability of correct classification on a specific threshold value, and determine the optimum threshold value for two targets, and the sub-optimal threshold for multiple targets to maximize the probability of correct classification. Based on the probability density function (PDF) of some quantity consisting of the projections of the late time response onto the column spaces of the matrices constructed using the natural frequencies of the specific targets, we propose how to determine an optimum threshold in the sense that the probability of correct classification of two targets is maximized. By extending the scheme for two targets, we show how to determine a threshold value close to the optimal threshold for multiple targets. The scheme is validated by comparing the performance using the analytic method with that using the Monte-Carlo simulation.
Sung-Woo Cho, and Joon-Ho Lee, "Effect of Threshold Value on the Performance of Natural Frequency-Based Radar Target Recognition," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 135, 527-562, 2013.

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