Vol. 97
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NLOS Target Localization with an L-Band UWB Radar via Grid Matching
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 97, 45-56, 2020
This paper considers utilizing radar multipath returns to locate a target in an L-shaped non-line of sight (NLOS) environment and proposes a NLOS target localization algorithm based on grid matching. The algorithm first establishes a multipath propagation model based on real data from an L-band single-input single-output (SISO) ultra-wideband (UWB) radar. Then, it calculates the times of arrival (TOAs) of each grid based on the multipath propagation model and matches the grid which is closest to the measured TOAs of round-trip multipath returns. Both simulation and real-data experiment results validate the effectiveness of the multipath model and the proposed localization algorithm.
Huagui Du, Chongyi Fan, Zhen Chen, Chun Cao, and Xiaotao Huang, "NLOS Target Localization with an L-Band UWB Radar via Grid Matching," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 97, 45-56, 2020.

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