Vol. 38
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Negative Absorption Coefficient of a Weak Electromagnetic Wave Caused by Electrons Confined in Rectangular Quantum Wires in the Presence of Laser Radiation Modulated by Amplitude
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 38, 73-82, 2014
The analytic expressions for the absorption coefficient (ACF) of a weak electromagnetic wave (EMW) by confined electrons in rectangular quantum wires (RQWs) in the presence of laser radiation modulated by amplitude are calculated by using the quantum kinetic equation for electrons with the electron-optical phonon scattering mechanism. Then, the analytic results are numerically calculated and discussed for GaAs/GaAsAl RQWs. The numerical results show that the ACF of a weak EMW in a RQW can have negative values, which means that in the presence of laser radiation (non-modulated or modulated by amplitude), under proper conditions, the weak EMW is increased. This is different from the similar problem in bulk semiconductors and from the case of the absence of laser radiation. The results also show that in some conditions, when laser radiation is modulated by amplitude, ability to increase a weak EMW can be enhanced in comparison with the use of non-modulated laser radiation.
Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan, and Dinh Quoc Vuong, "Negative Absorption Coefficient of a Weak Electromagnetic Wave Caused by Electrons Confined in Rectangular Quantum Wires in the Presence of Laser Radiation Modulated by Amplitude," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 38, 73-82, 2014.

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