Vol. 32
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Modelling of a BST-0.5 Idc with Application in Electronically Scanned CRLH LWA
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 32, 39-56, 2011
Modeling of a ferroelectric interdigital capacitor (IDC) and its incorporating in composite right/left-handed (CRLH) unit cells is represented. To evaluate the capacitance of a multi-layered IDC structures, conformal mapping and partial capacitance methods are utilized. Furthermore, the partial displacement method is utilized to calculate the electric field distribution and the its relation in the ferroelectric layer to applied voltage is obtained. Using this relation in a phenomenological model, dependency of the relative permittivity of ferroelectric on the applied voltage is obtained. The designed unit cell is comprised of IDCs and spiral inductors. To alter the propagation constant of the unit cell by varying the applied voltage, a thin layer ofBa0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST-0.5) ferroelectric is incorporated underneath an IDC, called BST-0.5 varactor. The periodic structure based on the designed unit cell leads to a CRLH LWA. The Tunability of the periodic structure with three unit cell is demonstrated by varying the relative permittivity of the ferroelectric layer.
Shahab Ramezanpour, Saeid Nikmehr, and Ali Pourziad, "Modelling of a BST-0.5 Idc with Application in Electronically Scanned CRLH LWA," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 32, 39-56, 2011.

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