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Design of a Terahertz Polarization Rotator Based on a Periodic Sequence of Chiral-Metamaterial and Dielectric Slabs
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 124, 301-314, 2012
The lack of wave-plates for the terahertz region opens the way for novel components/devices enabling polarization control at these frequencies. With the aid of chiral metamaterials - a new class of metamaterials - novel possibilities for the fabrication of multilayer structures for the realization of polarization rotators emerge. In this study, we present design and analysis of a polarization rotator for the terahertz frequency regime based on a multilayer structure consisting of an alternating sequence of chiral-metamaterial- and dielectric-plates. The combination of chiral constituents with dielectrics permits optimization of the spectral-filter and polarization-rotation features. We can generate either polarization-rotation combs or narrow rotation bands with very good and broad sideband suppression, of interest for example for data transmission or sensing purposes.
Cumali Sabah, and Hartmut G. Roskos, "Design of a Terahertz Polarization Rotator Based on a Periodic Sequence of Chiral-Metamaterial and Dielectric Slabs," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 124, 301-314, 2012.

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