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RCS Computation Using a Parallel in-Core and Out-of-Core Direct Solver
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 118, 505-525, 2011
Application to RCS computation of a higher order solver based on the surface integral approach is presented. The solver uses a direct method to solve the corresponding algebraic system of equations. Two versions of the solver are available: in-core and out-of-core. Both are efficiently implemented as parallel codes using Message Passing Interface libraries. Several benchmark structures are analyzed showing the reliability, performance, and versatility to run in a wide variety of computer platforms, of the solver. The results shown are illustrative of what is the maximum frequency of analysis of the structures for a given type of simulation platform.
Daniel Garcia-Donoro, Ignacio Martinez-Fernandez, Luis E. Garcia-Castillo, Yu Zhang, and Tapan Kumar Sarkar, "RCS Computation Using a Parallel in-Core and Out-of-Core Direct Solver," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 118, 505-525, 2011.

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