Vol. 110
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Detection and Imaging of Human Beings Behind a Wall Using the DORT Method
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 110, 353-369, 2010
In recent years, through the wall imaging has become a topic of intense research due to its promising applications in police, fire and rescue or emergency relief operations. In this paper, we propose to use the DORT method (French acronym for Decomposition of the Time Reversal Operator) to detect and localize a moving target behind a wall. One of the DORT method major strengths is that detection remains possible through a distorting medium. In this paper, the DORT method is successfully applied to detect and track moving human beings behind a thick concrete wall. The smallest detectable displacement is also investigated.
Matthieu Davy, Thomas Lepetit, Julien de Rosny, Claire Prada, and Mathias Fink, "Detection and Imaging of Human Beings Behind a Wall Using the DORT Method," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 110, 353-369, 2010.

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