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An Efficient Hybrid Numerical T-Matrix Approach for 3D Multiple Scattering Analysis
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 181, 61-72, 2024
In the past decades, with the increasing complexity of topological crystals, artificial electromagnetic (EM) materials, and EM environments, understanding their precise scattering behaviors and characteristis is turning more challenging. Traditional methods for modeling these properties often rely on full-wave simulations or analytical algorithms which are only applicable for regular shapes with plane wave incidences. These methods are inefficient for the design and broadband multiple scattering analysis of general 3D EM structures, as new simulations are required for each different scattering scenario and frequency, while solving a substantial number of unknown variables in each analysis. In this paper, a novel hybrid numerical scattering T-matrix extraction method applicable to scatterers of arbitrary shape and composition is developed in the context of the Foldy-Lax multiple scattering theory (F-L MST). Generalization is also made such that the F-L MST can be applied to multiple scattering problems with arbitrary incident fields. Once the T-matrix elements of individual scatterers are obtained through combining spherical wave expansion with full-wave numerical simulations of surface fields as proposed in the paper, it can be stored and reused, significantly reducing the overall computational complexity. Compared to conventional methods, this approach merely requires matrix inversions of moderate orders in a multiple scattering problem, offering notable efficiency advantages for about an order of magnitude. Meanwhile, the smooth frequency dependence of the T-matrix elements and incident field coefficients suggests the feasibility of interpolating these coefficients for broadband simulations. This proves particularly helpful in the swiftly evolving near-field techniques, and scenarios requiring extensive analysis such as broadband and Monte Carlo analysis. Numerical cases, involving multiple scatterer shapes and arrangements, are explored and compared with COMSOL full-wave simulations. The results validate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, with potential to become a powerful tool for EM simulations and optimization of various wave-functional materials and in many other multiple scattering applications.
Haifeng Zheng, Xuyang Bai, Shurun Tan, and Leung Tsang, "An Efficient Hybrid Numerical T-Matrix Approach for 3D Multiple Scattering Analysis," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 181, 61-72, 2024.

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