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Few-Cycle Electromagnetic Pulses with Finite Energy and Bounded Angular Momentum: Analysis of the Skyrmionic Texture at Focal Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 175, 127-137, 2022
Exact solutions to Maxwell equations with topological charge based on a modification to Brittingham's single cycle pulses are analyzed demonstrating that they have finite values of energy, momentum and angular momentum. Moreover, the ratio of angular momentum to energy is bounded due to the dependence of the mean frequency on topological charge. We have also analyzed the skyrmionic texture of the electric and magnetic fields showing that it is possible to obtain skyrmionic numbers higher than one for the magnetic field by means of a superposition of pulses with different topological charges and null skyrmionic number.
Luis Carretero, Pablo Acebal, and Salvador Blaya, "Few-Cycle Electromagnetic Pulses with Finite Energy and Bounded Angular Momentum: Analysis of the Skyrmionic Texture at Focal Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 175, 127-137, 2022.

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