Vol. 163
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DROP Algorithm for Super Resolution Scattering Center Extraction
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 163, 119-132, 2018
The scattering center extraction algorithm is a method to estimate the scattering center from the backscattered field. Superior scattering center extraction algorithms should be robust to noise, independent of the model order, and automatically and quickly operated. In this paper, we propose a novel super resolution scattering center extraction algorithm that satisfies the conditions mentioned above, which has been named the dimension reduced optimization problem (DROP). Using DROP, we determined a one-dimensional scattering center from a high resolution range profile and a two-dimensional scattering center from an inverse synthetic aperture radar image.
Young-Jae Choi, and In-Sik Choi, "DROP Algorithm for Super Resolution Scattering Center Extraction," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 163, 119-132, 2018.

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