Vol. 77
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High-Order FDTD with Exponential Time Differencing Algorithm for Modeling Wave Propagation in Debye Dispersive Materials
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 77, 103-107, 2018
A high-order (HO) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method with exponential time differencing (ETD) algorithm is proposed to model electromagnetic wave propagation in Debye dispersive material in this paper. The proposed method introduces an auxiliary difference equation (ADE) technique which establishes the relationship between the electric displacement vector and electric field intensity with a differential equation in Debye dispersive media. The ETD algorithm is applied to the displacement vector and auxiliary difference variable in time domain, and the fourth-order central-difference discretization is used in space domain. One example with plane wave propagation in a Debye dispersive media is calculated. Compared with the conventional ETD-FDTD method, the results from our proposed method show its accuracy and efficiency for Debye dispersive media simulation.
Wei-Jun Chen, and Jun Tang, "High-Order FDTD with Exponential Time Differencing Algorithm for Modeling Wave Propagation in Debye Dispersive Materials," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 77, 103-107, 2018.

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