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Theoretical Modelling of Modulational Instability of a Lower Hybrid Wave in a Complex Plasma
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 57, 63-71, 2017
The modulational instability of a lower hybrid wave is investigated in a dusty plasma slab by developing a non-local theory of this four wave parametric interaction process. The immersed dust grains modify the dispersion relation and growth rate expression of low frequency unstable mode. A numerical analysis shows that the frequencies and growth rate of unstable mode is higher in dusty plasma than that in without dust grains. The growth rate of the unstable mode is proportional to pump amplitude and has strong dependence on pump frequency.
Ajay Gahlot, "Theoretical Modelling of Modulational Instability of a Lower Hybrid Wave in a Complex Plasma," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 57, 63-71, 2017.

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